When I first saw this earwig in the garden I was thrilled because I don't see them where we live. Apparently not everybody shares my enthusiasm. I was told that in this area they are quite common and can be a nuisance.
The day we arrived and were being given the tour of the house, I noticed several of these very large fat flies in the screened porch. When I got around to digging out my camera I got some shots of this guy.
I have always thought that centipedes were fascinating, but also creepy,
especially when they are fast like this one. They seem to move
along so effortlessly. I found this one up in Fylton Forest under one
of the stump stools.
I was in the Fylton Forest looking at one of the Oregon Grape shrubs when I noticed this stink bug on it. It seemed right at home crawling around amongst the berries.
My usual morning routine included getting a cup of coffee then wandering outside to check if there were any moths still around the porch light. One morning I spotted what I thought was a dead spider hanging in a web under the chair by the front door. I touched it with my finger and it moved so I ran and got my camera and got a couple of photos before it crawled away.